ANGEL Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.successfully obtained the certification of “Shanghai Enterprise Technology Center”

Recently, the Shanghai Economic and Information Technology Commission announced the list of municipal enterprise technology centers for the year 2022 (28th batch) in Shanghai. Angel Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. has successfully obtained the recognition of "Shanghai Enterprise Technology Center" due to its outstanding performance in the construction of technical talent teams and technological innovation.

R&D innovation is the core driving force
R&D innovation has always been the core driving force for the rapid development of Angel. Angel established a technology center in 2009 with a comprehensive R&D and supply chain system. The company's R&D investment in recent years has been higher  the industry average. Angel Shanghai Enterprise Technology Center recognition helps accelerate the transformation and implementation of Angel's Pharmaceutical innovation achievements.

Science is the core of everything Angel does
Angel’s General Manager said, "We will always adhere to technological innovation as the engine, deeply cultivate the field of technological services, lead the development of independent brands with technological innovation, enhance the sustainable development ability of enterprises, create scientific solutions that serve scientific research and life, and contribute our own strength to the innovation driven transformation and development of Shanghai City and the construction of a global technological innovation center

Angel adheres to the path of brand management
Brand is an effective way to enhance the added value of enterprises and an important indicator to measure the effectiveness of economic transformation. Brand value rankings are also one of the means for various regions and industries to guide the development of brand economy and reflect the achievements of brand construction. In the future, Angel will adhere to the path of brand management, create a high-quality development engine, continue to provide efficient products and services to customers, continuously improve the brand value and influence of the enterprise, and make contributions to the development of the industry!

Anhui Ruihan Technology (2)
Anhui Ruihan Technology (1)

Post time: May-17-2023